Template Settings

The general theme section allows you to control the behaviour and the overall appearance of your theme.


The style section contains the customizer. Hit the Customizer button to add your own style or to modify an existing style. After the customizer is loaded, you can easily customize colors, fonts, margins and even more settings of the theme. The customizer saves only the modified variables and automatically compiles them into CSS.

For further information, please take a look at our {doc: customizer text: Customizer tutorial}.


1. LESS Developer Mode

Check the first option and the browser automatically compiles your LESS files via JavaScript every time you load a page. This provides an appropriate testing environment. It's not recommended to enable developer mode on the live site as the constant process of compiling is highly inefficient.

2. Dynamics Styles

The second option enables the browser to load styles by URL. This is useful, if you want to test different styles for your website. Disable this option, when your website goes live.

3. Compile LESS to CSS

To finish your LESS modifications, hit the Compile LESS button and all your changes will be compiled into the final CSS.

IMPORTANT Make sure, you aren't developing in the /styles/STYLE-NAME/css folders, because these folders will be overridden as soon as you hit the Compile LESS button.


To optimize page load time, choose one of the following compression options.

None All files will be loaded separately and fully sized.
Combination + Minify This option will minimize and combine CSS and JavaScript files into one single file.
Combination + Minify + Data URIs Data URI embeds image data directly into the document, thus reducing the HTTP requests for your image files. This applies only to images that have a maximum size of 10kB.
Combination + Minify + Data URIs + Gzip Gzip allows a faster data transfer through compressed data packages, instead of dealing with large data volumes by sending them separately.


The viewport meta tag controls the layout on mobile browsers. If it's not set, the default width on mobile is 980px and the site will look the same as on desktops.

Bootstrap (Joomla only)

By checking this option, you disable Bootstrap. This reduces the page loading time, when you only use the Joomla blog and articles.


Enable or disable the To-top scroller and the Warp branding.

Social Buttons

To enable the users to share articles with others, activate the Social buttons option. It inserts small widgets below your articles. These are loaded via JavaScript from Twitter, Facebook or Google+.


Set the default widget and module styles for the specific positions.

NOTE This style will be overwritten as soon as you select a style for a single widget/module in the {doc: widgets text: widget/module settings}.

Additional Scripts

Here you can insert additional scripts like the Google Analytics tracking code below, for example. It will be added before the closing body tag in the theme.

Template Settings

Customizer Included

Pick colors, select fonts and modify sizes without any CSS coding. See the changes in a real-time preview.

Template Settings


Aktuell gibt es keinen offenen Stellen im BSV! Wir freuen uns jedoch jederzeit über deine Initiativbewerbung als Sporttherapeut/in :)

Das Präsidium des BSV AOK Leipzig e.V. stellt sich vor:

praesidium bsv kom

V.l.n.r.: Uwe Jahn (Vizepräsident), Bernd Lemke, Jens Biehling, Katja Ehret (Schatzmeisterin), Kristin Baginski (Jugendwartin), Axel Oppat, Doris Mlynarczyk, Dr. Detlev Günz (Präsident), Annett Wolf. Nicht auf dem Bild: Sabine Bleck.

Unsere Minigolfanlage befindet sich mitten im Clara-Zetkin-Park auf dem Vereinsgelände des BSV AOK Leipzig e.V. Sie ist eine moderne, wettkampftaugliche 18 Bahnen umfassende Spielanlage, die wunderschön in den Park integriert wurde. Das Besondere sind der Filzbelag und viele attraktive Hindernisse. Einige Male im Jahr steht sie als Austragungsort für anerkannte Minigolf-Turniere zur Verfügung. Die meiste Zeit kann sie aber als Freizeitspaß für Groß und Klein genutzt werden.

Die Anlage ist für Vereinsmitglieder und Gäste offen. Die Preise sind moderat und familienfreundlich. Die gesamte Anlage kann ab 40 Personen auch für Feiern und Firmenevents komplett gemietet werden.

Besuchen sie uns doch mal und testen sie ihre Treffsicherheit. Spaß und Abwechslung sind garantiert!

Ultimate Joomla Template


ULTIMATE is the perfect Joomla template! You have unlimited possibilities to build your own style, because all styles and CSS options can be done in real time from Joomla backend ( Costomizer).

You can insert a big logo image or a small one, it doesn´t matter it looks always fine, because you can set the gap between the logo and set the logo background.

The Theme is responsive and has a native integrated "Background Image for logo section" which can be changed by yourself at the Theme configuration backend. And all 48 module positions are collapsible and have different styles which can be selected from Joomla Template control panel.

If your looking for the ultimate Joomla template, which you can easily customize, take a look at this Joomla Template.

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